A real-time monitoring system has been developed to track system “persistence,” and to detect and locate the source of forced oscillations using phasor measurement units (PMU). The prototype monitoring system is operating in the BPA Synchrophasor laboratory, and algorithms for locating the source of forced oscillations has been implemented in EPG’s PGDA software and integrated into their RTDMS system.
Reference Materials
- Overview (slides)
- Persistence Measure (slides)
- Cross-Persistence Measure (slides)
- Detecting Forced Oscillations (slides)
- Locating Forced Oscillations: Harmonics (slides)
- Locating Forced Oscillations: Model (slides)
- Monitoring System (slides)
ARPA-E Open Program DE-AR0001032: A Persistence Meter for Nimble Alarming using Ambient Synchrophasor Data
Bernard Lesieutre (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Sandip Roy (Texas A&M University, formerly Washington State University)
Neeraj Nayek (Electric Power Group)
Sponsor: ARPA-E
Dmitry Kosterev (BPA)
Tony Faris (BPA)
Steve Yang (BPA)
Project duration: 5/15/2019 - 8/14/2023