We are always looking for outstanding graduate students. If you are interested in joining us for your graduate studies, we encourage you to apply!
You can also reach out to a faculty member directly. However, please note that we receive many emails every day asking about openings for graduate students. It is impossible to answer them all.
In particular, many prospective graduate students reach out to ask whether there are available openings in our groups. Many factors influence our decision making, such as the availability of funding (which may only be known later in the year), the strength of your recommendation letters and the strength of other applicants. We can often not comment on your chances of admission until we review all applications submitted to the department. On your application, make sure to select the right area (Energy and Power Systems) and list the name of the faculty you are interested in working with. We carefully review all applications of applicants that have indicated an interest in working with us in January and February and recruit new graduate students from this pool of applications.
We hope that you will consider applying to join the graduate program of the ECE department of UW-Madison. Information about the ECE graduate programs application process and admissions can be found in the links below.